Page 20 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 20
Word Definition Topic(s) Word Definition Topic(s)
diffuse When light is reflected off a P6 disease An illness that negatively impacts B1a, B1b, B2,
reflection surface and is scattered in the structure of function of an B3, B6
different directions. organism.
diffusion Where the particles in a gas or TB1, TC2, B1a, dispersal Plants have adaptations to TB2
liquid, move from an area of high B1b, B2, B5 disperse seeds using wind, water
concentration to an area of low or animals.
displace Take the place of another C4, C10
digestion The breakdown of large insoluble B2, B4, B5 substance in a chemical reaction.
food molecules to smaller soluble For example, a metal can
ones. displace a less reactive metal
digestive Organ system involved in breaking TB4, B2 from its oxide, removing oxide ions
system food down so that it can be from the less reactive metal and
absorbed into the bloodstream. becoming an oxide itself.
digital Information stored as discrete values C3 displaced Moved out of position. For example, P3
usually represented as numbers. This an object placed in beaker of
contrasts with analogue data which water displaces the water, causing
is represented by continuous data, the water level to rise.
usually in waves. displacement The distance an object moves TP1, P5
dilute Of low concentration. B1a, B1b from its original position. Quantity
describing the distance from the
diode An electrical device that allows P2 start of the journey to the end in
current to flow in one direction only. a straight line with a described
diploid A cell that contains two sets of B6 direction, eg 50 km due north of
chromosomes. the original position.
direct current Also called dc. An electric current C4, P2, P7 displacement A piece of equipment to measure P3
that flows in one direction only. can the volume of an irregular solid.
The can is filled with water up to a
discharge Green or yellow liquid containing B3 narrow spout and the solid placed
pus that arises from an infection.
in the can. The water displaced
discontinuous Where differences between living TB3, TB6 through the spout is collected and
variation things can only be grouped into its volume measured - this is equal
categories. to the volume of the solid.