Page 29 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 29
Word Definition Topic(s) Word Definition Topic(s)
freezing When a liquid becomes a solid as TC2 fungi A large group of eukaryotic B3, B4, B6
the particles have less energy, so organisms that contain single-celled
move less. yeasts, moulds and mushrooms.
frequency The number of waves produced in TP2, P2, P6, P7 fungicide A chemical which kills fungi. B3
one second measured in hertz (Hz).
fungus A large group of eukaryotic B4, C7
The total number of times an event B2, C6 organisms that contain single celled
occurs. yeasts, moulds and mushrooms.
friction The force when surfaces move or TP4, P1, P2, P5 fuse An electrical component that P2
rub against each other, it is called protects circuits and electrical
'drag' if one surface is a fluid. It devices from overload by melting
prevents movement and converts when the current becomes too high.
kinetic energy to thermal energy.
Galapágos Islands in the Pacific Ocean, B6
fruit Structure that the ovary becomes TB2 Islands visited by Charles Darwin.
after fertilisation, which contains
seeds. galaxy Cluster of billions of stars held TP5, P8
together by gravity. Our galaxy is
FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone. It B5 called the Milky Way.
stimulates oestrogen production
and the growth of follicles (egg- gall bladder Stores bile before releasing it into B2
sacs) in the ovary. It is secreted by the duodenum.
the pituitary gland. galvanisation Coating iron or steel with a layer C10
of zinc to prevent rusting.
fuel Material that is used to produce C3, C5, C7,
heat, like coal, oil or gas. C9, C10 gamete Sex cell (sperm in males and ova/ TB1, TB3, B6
eggs in females).
fuel cell Device that produces a voltage C5
continuously when supplied with a gamma A type of ionising radiation that P4
fuel and oxygen. is also part of the EM spectrum. It
fullerenes Molecules of carbon with hollow C2 has no mass.
shapes. Their structures are based gamma ray The shortest wavelength and P4
on hexagonal rings of carbon highest energy part of the
atoms. EM spectrum. Produced by
functional An atom, or group of atoms, that C7 radioactive materials.
group determines the main chemical gear A toothed wheel used with other P5
properties of an organic compound. gears to turn axles at different speeds.