Page 12 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 12
Word Definition Topic(s) Word Definition Topic(s)
cell wall Outer structure which provides TB1, TB2, B1a, charge Property of matter that causes B2, C2, C4,
support and prevents the cell B1b a force when near another P2, P4
from bursting from the uptake of charge. Charge comes in two
water by osmosis. Plant, fungal forms, positive and negative.
and bacterial cell walls have For example, a negative charge
different structures and chemical causes a repulsive force on a
compositions. In plant cells it is neighbouring negative charge.
made of cellulose. charged Particles, usually ions or electrons, C2, P5
cellulose A carbohydrate. It forms the cell B1a, B1b, B2, particles that carry electrical charges.
wall in plant cells. B3, C7, C10 charged When materials are rubbed TP3
central The part of the nervous system B5 together, negatively charged
nervous made up of the brain and spinal electrons move from one material
system (CNS) cord. to the other.
centre of The point representing the mean P5 Charles An English naturalist (1809-1882). B6
mass position of the matter in a body. Darwin Darwin published 'On the Origin of
centripetal Force, needed for circular motion, P8 Species' in 1859 which outlined his
force which acts towards the centre of theory of evolution.
a circle. chemical A type of stored energy. It is taken P1, P2, P3
cerebellum The part of the brain that controls B5 energy (can be in when chemical bonds break,
called chemical
balance and co-ordination and given out when chemical
potential energy) bonds are made.
cerebral The outer layer of the brain. B5
cortex chemical A description of how a substance TC1, C1
properties reacts with other substances. For
cervix Ring of muscle at the lower end of B2 example, flammability, pH, reaction
the uterus. with acid, etc. It can also be used
chain A nuclear chain reaction occurs P4 to describe something before or
reaction when a neutron splits a nucleus, after a chemical reaction.
releasing more neutrons, which chemical A change in which atoms are TC1, TC3, C1
in turn go on to split even more reaction rearranged and joined together
nuclei. differently to form new substances.
They often involve energy changes.
chemother- The use of chemicals to treat cancer. B3
apy The chemicals used are highly toxic
to cells that divide rapidly.