Page 10 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 10
Word Definition Topic(s) Word Definition Topic(s)
buffer A solution that is used to produce a B2 cancer A disease caused by normal cells B1a, B1b, B2,
solution particular pH, and will maintain this changing so that they grow and B3, C9
pH if acids or alkalis are added. divide in an uncontrolled way.
Bunsen A small gas burner, where you TC1 The uncontrolled growth causes a
burner can adjust the amount of oxygen lump called a tumour to form.
entering and control the flame. capillary Tiny blood vessels with walls one- B2
burette A piece of apparatus used to add C4, C6 cell thick where exchange of
varying but measured volumes of substances occurs.
solution during a titration. carbohydrase Enzyme that breaks down B2
by-product Something that is produced as a C3, C7, C9 carbohydrates.
waste product. carbohydrate Food belonging to the food group B2, B4, B5, C7,
calculate Students should use numbers Command consisting of sugars, starch and TB4, TB5
given in the question to work out word cellulose. Carbohydrates are
the answer. vital for energy in humans and
are converted to fats if eaten in
calibrate To set an instrument or scale B1a, B1b, B2 excess. In plants, carbohydrates
against a standard. are important for photosynthesis.
calibration Marking a scale on a measuring Thinking carbon cycle The processes and events TC6, B7a, B7b
instrument. This involves establishing scientifically involved in recycling carbon,
the relationship between indications involving living organisms and the
of a measuring instrument and environment.
standard or reference quantity
values, which must be applied. For carbon A gaseous compound of carbon B2, B4, C7, C9
example, placing a thermometer in dioxide and oxygen, which is a by-product
melting ice to see whether it reads of respiration, and which is needed
zero, in order to check if it has been by plants for photosynthesis.
calibrated correctly. carbon The amount of carbon dioxide TC6, C9
calibration Graph with the readings from a C8 footprint released by a person, country or
curve machine plotted against known company.
amounts of a substance. carbon Poisonous gas produced during B2, C7, C9
camouflage An ability to blend in with a B6 monoxide incomplete combustion, when
background. not enough oxygen is present for
complete combustion.