Page 6 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 6

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         anion           An atom or group of atoms that      C8                                anti-coagulant  Substance that prevents blood       B5
                         have gained electrons and                                             drugs           clotting.
                         become negatively charged. Most                                       antifungal      Drugs that treat fungal infections   B3
                         anions are formed from non-metals.                                    medication      like athlete's foot.
         anode           The positive electrode during       C4, C10                           antigen         A protein on the surface of a       B3, B5
                         electrolysis.                                                                         substance (often a pathogen)
         anomaly         These are values in a set of results   Thinking                                       that triggers an immune response.
                         which are judged not to be          scientifically                    antimalarial    Medicine that stops or treats a     B3
                         part of the variation caused by                                       drug            malarial infection.
                         random uncertainty. For example,
                         on a graph, it’s a result which lies                                  antiseptic      A substance that kills or stops the   B3
                         well off the line of best fit.                                                        growth of germs which cause
         antagonistic    Muscles working in unison to        TB1
         muscle pair     create movement                                                       antivirals      Drugs that prevent viruses          B3
         antenatal       Related to pregnancy.               B6
                                                                                               aorta           Main artery which carries           B2
         anther          Produce male sex cells (pollen      TB2                                               oxygenated blood from the heart
                         grains)/                                                                              in mammals.
         antibacterial   Naturally occurring chemicals       B3                                aphid           Aphids (greenfly) are tiny insects   B3
         chemicals       made by plants like mint and                                                          that feed on the sugary liquid in
                         witch hazel which protect them                                                        the phloem from plants.
                         from bacterial pathogens.
                                                                                               aquatic         Within water.                       B1a, 1b, C10
         antibiotic      Substance that controls the         B3, B6,
                         spread of bacteria in the body      B7a,B7b                           aqueous         Dissolved in water to form          C2, C10
                         by killing them or stopping them                                                      a solution. Shown as (aq) in
                         reproducing.                                                                          chemical equations.

         antibiotic      The ability of bacteria to survive   B3                               arable          Growing crops.                      B7a, B7b
         resistance      exposure to antibiotics. It is caused                                 farming
                         by mutations in their genes.                                          archaea         Microorganisms which are similar    B1a, B1b
         antibody        A protein produced by the           B2, B3                                            in size and structure to bacteria
                         immune system in humans (and                                                          but are genetically different.
                         other animals) that attacks foreign                                   arteries        Blood vessels that carry blood      B2
                         organisms (antigens) that get into                                                    away from the heart.
                         the body.
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