Page 6 - The College Echo Spring 2019
P. 6

Former Student Wins University
Excellence Scholarship

Former student, Matthew Norton, who studied A Levels in
Geography, Maths, Physics and the Extended Project
Qualification, has recently received a Bangor University
Excellence Scholarship, worth £3,500.
The Bangor University Excellence Scholarship is awarded to
new undergraduate students from the UK and EU who
achieve the highest academic attainment upon entry in
the relevant subject areas. Well done, Matt!

 Climate Champions

A number of our students at the College are both passionate and knowledgeable about Climate Change. They
are working in liaison with the College’s Sustainability Group, to look at how we can promote and educate our
student body and community about concerns regarding our world.
Consequently, on Friday, 15 February on the ‘Youth Strike 4 Climate Day 2019’, the students produced a
PowerPoint which was shown to all year groups to raise awareness of this global concern. These student leaders
will be continuing with this work this term.

4 NNeewwss  Road Safety Advice for Students

                                In December, the College welcomed representatives from the Police, Fire
                                and Ambulance services to talk to students in Years 10 and 11. This mini
                                ‘Learn to Live’ presentation was in response to a recent road safety
                                campaign at the College.
                                Sergeant Ollie Taylor ran the informative sessions, regarding the dangers of
                                the roads, whether travelling on foot, in a car or on a bus. Young people
                                are statistically one of the most at risk groups when it comes to road traffic
                                collisions and we very much want to keep our students and our community
                                safe. Our plan was to enable young people to understand specific risks and
                                consider the consequences of their actions, and to encourage them to
                                make small changes to their behaviours, so that they can make sensible
                                safe choices with regard to their safety.

The Prince’s Teaching Institute Partnership

The College is delighted to continue its close partnership with the Prince’s Teaching Institute (PTI),
and this year we have received 2 accolades.
Firstly, Mrs Pearce, Assistant Principal, has gained the PTI Leadership Award 2019, for her research
project based on recruitment and retention of the very best teachers, for now and the future.
Mrs Pearce said, “This research has afforded the College access to the most current educational
leadership development alongside like-minded professionals in good and outstanding colleges
across the nation.”
Whilst Miss Smith, Learning Resource Centre Coordinator and English
Teacher said, “Having attended the PTI's New Teacher Subject Training days
as a newly qualified teacher here at the College, I was keen to take on the
role of coordinating the PTI involvement within the Department by
advertising, promoting and targeting Continuous Professional Learning
opportunities and developing and monitoring the Department Objectives
to achieve the PTI Mark.
After two years in this voluntary role, the PTI have approached me and
asked if I would be willing to become a Subject Development Partner.
This role involves supporting delegates at the annual Subject Enrichment
sessions, at Cambridge University in July, to set challenging, manageable
and realistic objectives. In this role, I will be working with Department and
Key Stage leads from across the country and from a variety of contexts.
It is hoped that this year we will be able take a more cross-curricular
approach, looking at the bigger picture for schools and students alike.”

The College Echo - Spring 2019 -
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