Page 7 - The College Echo Spring 2019
P. 7

Fundraising Cheque Presented
to St Luke’s Hospice

In December, student representatives from the College
visited St Luke’s Hospice and presented them with a cheque
for £1938.13.
This amazing total was raised through various fundraising
events at the College. The students had a question and
answer session and a tour around the hospice. They were
also asked to help decorate the memory Christmas tree
which was very moving.
Mrs Shore, Associate Leader, who accompanied the
students, said, “I was immensely proud of all of them as their
conduct was impeccable. So polite and respectful, a real
credit to the College.”

                                                               News 5

                                          Generously Supporting
                                          the Local Community

                                                                                         At the end of last term students, parents and
                                                                                         staff were invited to donate food and gifts to
                                                                                         support local community projects.
                                                                                         Helen Ryder, Head of Human Sciences, who
                                                                                         organised the collection, said, “A huge thank
                                                                                         you to everyone who has helped to make this
                                                                                         the most generous donation of food and gifts
                                                                                         ever. We were able to make a substantial
                                                                                         donation to the local Food Bank, support the
                                                                                         Christmas Day activities at the Watermark and
                                                                                         provide starter packs for the Salvation Army.
                                                                                         This is a wonderful way to support our local
                                                                                         community, thank you for making it a much
                                                                                         more positive start to the New Year than it could
                                                                                         have been.”
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