Page 8 - The College Echo Spring 2019
P. 8

Enrichment Week

What is Enrichment Week?
While a large proportion of students’ time is spent on ensuring their academic success,
we also believe in helping students develop their characters; find out more about their
interests and passions; and invest in their social, moral and cultural life-skills.
The activities the College offers in Enrichment Week, including Sports, Arts, Music, and
community development and work experience, are perfectly placed to support this.
They can help improve students’ future employability, boost self-confidence, develop
leadership skills, instil self-motivation, overcome fears and help them succeed in
society. They are also a fantastic way to increase students’ enjoyment of College life,
creating an inclusive spirit and helping build life-long memories and friendships.
What happens?
During Enrichment Week the normal College timetable is collapsed and students are
offered a range of alternative learning experiences and activities outside of the usual
curriculum. Activities across the Year Groups range from work experience, creative
writing workshops, football sessions, cinema trips and caving to surfing, cheerleading,
dance trips to London, and outdoor educational trips to the Ardeche.
When is it?
Monday, 1 July to Friday, 5 July 2019. For further information please visit the College

6 News                                                       Head of Department: Heather Lilley

   PARENT                                                    Journalism Discovery Day
                                                             Sixth Form Media Studies students attend a Journalism
  5.30pm – 6.30pm                                            Discover Day at Plymouth Marjon University on Thursday,
    • 25 June 2019                                           24 January. The day gave the students an opportunity to
                                                             experience what studying Journalism would be like at the
PARENTMEET                                                   university, and beyond that to working in the industry.
                                                             The day started with a presentation by noted Guardian
  5.00pm – 6.00pm                                            journalist Matt Baker. Matt then set the students on a task
    • 14 May 2019                                            to take a prominent current news topic and create and
                                                             produce an audio visual news story and publish it on the
For further information and                                  university’s student website,
  to book a place on the                                     All the students entered into the spirit of the day and
 next meeting please visit                                   produced relevant news stories using software and
    the College website                                      equipment that they had not used before, picking up
                                                             new skills along the way.

                                                             Achievements for Mia at
                                                             Erme Valley

                                                             On Monday, 26 February, Mia in Year 7, received her
                                                             Grade 1 Certificates in both Horse Care and Horse
                                                             Riding. Mia has been attending the Erme Valley
                                                             Riding School since the middle of January and she
                                                             completed her riding test on Albert. She will now be
                                                             working towards her Level 2 qualification.
                                                             Paula Lomas, who teaches Mia to ride, is very pleased

                                                                                                             with her progress and
                                                                                                             extremely proud with
                                                                                                             how well she is doing,
                                                                                                             as is Peggy Douglas
                                                                                                             who runs the RDA.
                                                                                                             Paula said, “Mia
                                                                                                             works well in the
                                                                                                             Happy Hoof Club
                                                                                                             with the others riders
                                                                                                             and loves looking
                                                                                                             after Albert.”

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